Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Piles of Junk.

I should be sleeping, it's my nap time, and I know I need it, I can't live off of 4 hours of sleep. But, I just read Jenny's blog, and it got me thinking, so Jenny, this one's for you, you inspired it.

My room is so messy. It disgusts me. It hasn't been this bad ever. I have no idea how it got this bad. Well, I guess I do, I'm tired and busy and cleaning my room isn't at the top of the list of things to do. My room isn't usually that clean, but it has some organization: a pile of books there, a pile of dirty clothes there, papers I need to sort through in one corner, ok, you get the idea. Anyway, my room is so bad, that the piles have merged into mega-piles. Books and clothes are all in the same pile. I have to practically jump over a pile to get to my closet! (by the way, Jenny, this wasn't inspired by your messy room, hold on, I'm getting to the point). Jenny, be proud that you can see the ways that your life has been changing, I know it's maybe tough, but at least something's going on.

My life feels like my room right now. I see piles of things that need to be dealt with, some just minor things, some a little more time consuming. I see things that need changing and I'm aware of them, but in some ways I'd just rather be oblivious. I see the list of things growing longer, and longer, but I'm just too tired to be able to work on it. I know that I'll be relieved once things are cleaned up again, it's spring cleaning time. But just the thought of the task is a little intimidating, where do I start? But actually I know the answer, I know where to start, you start with the little things, like clothes, I'm going to have to do laundry today, because I ran out of clean clothes, there is nothing left. It's not a hard job, it just takes some time and planning.

I guess for right now I'll just be happy with the little things, and hope that I'll continue being oblivious to the things I don't see right now. I know, that's probably not good, but I don't want to have to think of them right now, when the time is right, I'll see them, but for now, I'll just work on this. I love reading your blog Jenny, thanks for inspiring me (even if it really doesn't make any sense to anyone but me)!

Ok, now that's out, it's back to my nap.


Blogger Jen said...

lol...i'm laughing pretty hard right now...because I don't remember mentioning my messy room. I think you imagined it...my room was actually 'cleaned' this weekend...didn't last long, but it still happened. I'm so pumped I've inspired someone though. I get inspired throughout the day, but I always forget about it by the end...

11:52 p.m.  
Blogger Kendra said...

You didn't mention your messy room, Jen. Just as I was writing it I thougt of your messy room, and I didn't want you to get the wrong idea. I did think it was rather ironic though!!

12:18 a.m.  

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