Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Reminders From The Most Unexpected Places

I heard one of the best quotes today (at least one of the best quotes that I've heard in a really long time). Lori and I were watching TV, and the girl on the show says this:

"Why do we let the one thing that we don't have ruin the things we do have?"

It's so true. I can think of all the blessings in my life, friends, family, education, freedom of speech, a place to live, a church to go to, the freedom to believe in God, food to eat, and the list just goes on, there's not enough room on this blog to write them all down. Canada is one of the best places to live. It's easy to forget all of that. Yet, we do. If we don't have one thing that we want, we think that we have a horrible life. What is our problem (or at least mine)? My life is so good, so full, so blessed. Yet no matter what, I can still make myself feel bad because of one thing that I don't have. What is my problem? Why are people so selfish? People on the other side of the world only dream of chances to do even half of the things that I take for granted. Why do we always need more, why can't we ever be happy?

But, I guess that's what it means to be human. And I guess that's part of being a Christian, putting away the desires that we have to focus on worshiping God, and being thankful for what we do have. It's about forgetting about what I want, and thinking about others, and what they need that I can give them. It's about putting aside our selfish wants and focusing on something much, much more important.

Sorry to sound like I'm preaching, but I'm only preaching at myself. I needed a reminder of the purpose for my life, because I definitely had forgotten it. Ouch, these things always hurt.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

preach it up, sister!
one day, you know, it might move from iowa to our very own church, just like singing... :)

8:12 p.m.  
Blogger Kendra said...

Don't remind me. (If you could see my face right now you would see pure fear)

12:42 a.m.  
Blogger Lori said...

ha ha! I'm imagining a fearful face worthy of Cherise's food falling out of her mouth!...good times!

12:58 a.m.  

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