Monday, February 07, 2005

Title? I Can't Think of One.

Well, it's been a while since I've written anything, so, here goes....

I had an interesting weekend. I sang in church with Julia, Lori and Marcia. It was fun, but I was super scared, I had never sang with my own microphone (and I know that it doesn't seem like such a big deal, but I was really scared), and I had never sang infront of so many people with such a small group. But it went well (my voice broke once, but Marcia said that she didn't hear it, so it can't have been too bad). I love church. I love being in that building, I love seeing the people ;) (kidding). Anyway, I really do love church, I love how I feel at home there. And I love listening and learning (sometimes it's hard, oh distractions!). Anyway, I think that's a beautiful thing. Many people never feel comfortable in church, or that they don't enjoy going, and only do it because they are forced to. I love it that I go because I want to go.

hmmmm, I ran out of thoughts, or maybe there's just too many and none of them are capable of being focused enough to be written down. I've taken too long writing this down, I need to be studying.

Just a side note (as Jenet would say), don't rub your eyes, it'll give you wrinkles.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

man! i always rub my eyes - can't stop - oh distractions!
i love our church too!!

10:02 a.m.  

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