Wednesday, December 08, 2004

I Definately Have Issues Walking

All in all, a good day. I had my last calculus class today!!!! I'm so excited. Yeah, I thought I was doing ok today, but thinking back, I think that my balance was really off. I almost fell on the bus at least twice, and one time was definately almost on this dude (or was that yesterday....all the days run together), and I was walking and I twisted my ankle right in front of these two chicks, and just about fell over, then I heard them laughing at me!! I was really embarrased. Oh yeah, and yesterday, I was walking and the snow was covering the ice (always bad), and I slipped and just about fell, then this dude from behind me calls out "nice save!!", I couldn't believe it, some random stranger was making fun of me!! But then he walked with me, but we didn't talk, it was really awkward. But, as we were crossing the street he just about fell, so I laughed at him, lots. He deserved it. It was a funny experience.

Well, now that you know I definately cannot walk properly(but I guess that's not too much of a shock to anyone that knows me), it's time to sleep!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh, kendra, you make me laugh!! i keep getting mental pictures....:) i'm so glad you weren't wearing any heels! oh, this made my day. thanks :)

11:17 a.m.  

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