Monday, October 31, 2005

Everything Is Just So Funny!

So today we ordered pizza (me and Danielle and Lori...our new roomie couldn't, she had plans) Anyway, we didn't want trick-or-treaters to come to the door, so we decided that we'd turn off all the lights. But, the problem was that then we couldn't see our food. So, we decided that we'd find all the candles that we had, and eat by candlelight. There was just one problem....we had nothing to light them with. So, Danielle, always the clever one, decided that we could turn on the oven, and light a piece of paper or something by touching it to the element. It actually worked!!! I'm kinda surprised that we didn't burn the house down!!

AND, you know, I'm always friends with the rowdy people. Really, it never fails, I'm always with the loud people. Don't get me wrong, I love it, I think it's hilarious. So, yesterday I went to the football game with some of my friends from Prov, and one of her brothers and his friends, and this other chick...anyway this group of eight of us (I knew about half) Anyway, one of my friends is from Alberta (her name is Teresa), so naturally is a Calgary fan, guess who was playing....Calgary. So, she decided that she was going to make a "I love the Stamps" sign. We'll we couldn't let her get away with that, so my friend Gina made a sign that said "I love the Bombers" and on the other side it said "I'm with Stupid" Anyway, they got a bit of attention because of their signs, two interviews for newspapers, and three times on the Jumbo-tron. It was soooo funny. Then today, my friend Teresa was in the mall, and some guy came up to her and said "hey, you're that Stamps fan!" I laughed so hard when she told me that. It was a really good time.

Sometimes I think I just have too much fun!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

that sounds awesome!

9:21 a.m.  
Blogger Holly said...

luckyyyyyyyy i've always wanted to be on the jumbo-tron

8:21 p.m.  

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