Monday, August 29, 2005

I'm Joining the Club

Lori, today I'm going to join you in the two-alarm club. For the second time in three days I turned off my alarm in my sleep (or semi-conscienceness). Wait, before you tell me to just move my alarm clock, I'd like to let you know that I already have to take about two steps to turn it off. Today I woke up at 9:38, which is a problem since I was supposed to open the store at 9:30!!! Hmmm, I guess I just don't have a choice anymore, two alarms here I come!!


Blogger Lori said...

Finally someone I can relate to on this issue! People tell me all the time that if I've trained myself to wake up only to the 2nd alarm clock...then I will only wake up to that one. So I should train myself not to...but you can't be late for work/school every day until you're 'trained' (if that even works...) So I say, use the tried and true method and use as many alarms as it takes!! Welcome to the club!

3:24 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i use it too! except i'm a light sleeper, so the first one wakes me up, then i lie around and doze till the next one. it makes me feel like i get more sleep...i love tricking myself psychologically :)

11:08 a.m.  

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