Monday, August 22, 2005


I had an interesting experience yesterday. I was sitting outside reading a book, and I had the urge to stand up and spin. I know, it sounds really funny. I thought it kinda sounded stupid, but I couldn't shake the feeling, so I stood up and did a quick spin and sat back down, with a bit of a smile on my face. It felt like I was a child again, finding joy in a simple movement.

Later that evening, I was at my aunt's house, my family that was out visiting for a couple weeks was leaving, so everyone went there to say goodbye. Two of my cousins have daughters that are both three years old and they always play together and are pretty close. Anyway, all the adults were sitting in a circle chatting, and these two girls go and stand in the centre of the circle (oblivious to the fact that they're kinda in the way of people's conversations) and hold hands and started jumping up and down. They laughed. I forgot what a child's laugh sounded like, not a giggle, but a laugh that shows that they are truly enjoying themselves. Anyway they did this for a little while, and then they stopped, then both of them with their arms stretched out started spinning. Right there in the middle of the circle. They did this for quite a while. Their laughter filled the room. It was a beautiful sight. They would spin for a while, then stop and walk around banging into each other (they were pretty dizzy), and then start spinning again. And they laughed.

Watching the two girls I was reminded of myself earlier that day. I tried to find the verse I'm thinking of, but I can't find it, but the Bible talks about having faith like a child. Sorry, I'm kinda losing my train of thought here, but the point is that we're just really missing out on what God has planned for us, we really need to find that wonder, awe, and faith that a child has. Yes, there are problems in this world, but the world is still a beautiful place that God created us to enjoy, and who enjoys it more than a child?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

good for you!!!! that's awesome... :)

9:48 a.m.  

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